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  • Employee Spotlight: Steve Tooms

    What is your role at Invenio Systems?

    As with any small company a Director gets to do some of everything, but I see my main role as providing technical direction to the organisation. I also get involved with business development, making sure projects are on track, trying to keep everyone interested and motivated and quite a few other bits and pieces.

    Tell us a little about yourself.

    Born in Kent, brought up in a small village in Buckinghamshire. I’m married to Heather and have a daughter who is currently working in Nigeria. After degrees in Physics, Geophysics and Acoustics I somehow ended up working as a leakage specialist, which I’ve done for the last 27 years.

    Before working at Invenio, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

    Collecting eggs in an egg hatchery was the most dirty and dangerous (the cockerels used to follow me round and attack me when I wasn’t looking). My current job is probably the most rewarding and interesting one: every day is different and brings a new challenge.

    What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

    What do you mean outside work? I do a bit of fell running when I am fit enough and still engage in a bit of caving.

    People would be surprised if they knew:

    I once put the sails back on an 1832 windmill using the original 2-foot-long bolts while hanging from a rope.

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Scottish Water are delighted to be working with Invenio Systems and are excited by the potential their innovative technology has to help identify and assess leakage.

Martin Walton, Scottish Water

Invenio Systems

Martin Walton, Scottish Water

Scottish Water are delighted to be working with Invenio Systems and are excited by the potential their innovative technology has to help identify and assess leakage.
Invenio Systems

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